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Trump spews apocalyptic, end or world, invading horde, vampire rhetoric on campaign trail – that’s the Trump we all know and ***E.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina – Yesterday, Donald J. Trump, Republican nominee for the President of the United States spoke before a crowd of supporters in Charlotte, North Carolina. Trump, who after the July 13th assassination attempt on his life promised to be a President for all Americans and a Unifier. But, that promise lasted for less than two weeks. Donnie T. is back to his old ways of creating a future full of doom and gloom.

Speaking before a near-capacity crowd at the Bojangles Stadium, Mr. Trump spoke for nearly an hour and a half. During his speech, Trump touched on many of the same themes he has repeated for almost 10 years: criminals crossing the border, lying politicians, and Democrats who support ripping unborn children from their mother’s wombs.

Calling Mrs. Harris the “Border Czar,” Mr. Trump devoted much of his speech to immigration. He claimed that President Biden and VP Harris supplied money that was used to help illegal immigrants out of jail. He further claimed that Harris, along with Biden, allowed for a “never ending stream” of illegal immigration into the country.

Later in the speech, Trump claimed that Harris was a “radical” who supported abortion into “eight and nine months and even after birth.” FACT CHECK – Harris has never supported abortion up until the time of birth can certainly not after birth – that would be considered murder.

While Mr. Trump certainly has the right to say what he likes and campaign speech is offered some protections under law, that doesn’t mean thinking individuals believe him.

Watch a highlight from Mr. Trump’s campaign speech in Charlotte below:

Some reference content courtesy of The Charlotte Observer, Google Images, Concho Valley Homepage, and MSNBC (video)

About the author

Don Hughes

Hello all, Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy NetNewz and find the coverage informative and helpful in understanding the world around you. This endeavor is a labor of love. NetNewz is a fledgling news organization. I am the web designer, the political reporter, the health and well-being reporter, and the general interest reporter. You wear many hats when you're an entrepreneur and dare to dream. For 20 years or so, I ran an broadcast company that covered large sporting and news events. I have a Master's in Journalism and enjoy blending technology, factual research, and creativity in the digital news environment. Stay tuned for more developments on NetNewz.
